Meet O’Brien McMahon – Home



Welcome! I am O'Brien McMahon and I am driven by curiosity.

I am fascinated by the way people think, the way we relate, the reasons we behave the way we behave, and what it means to be a happy, healthy, high functioning human being. Whether it’s exploring human behavior through my podcast, helping organizations improve their employee experience as a Total Rewards consultant, or relating life’s lessons to a younger generation through my books, I love learning the base principles that make people tick and sharing them with others so we can all make the most of the time we’re given.


People Business

A weekly podcast exploring human nature in the workplace; how we improve ourselves, have better interactions with those around us, and organize and lead people toward a common cause. Every business is in some way a “people business” and it’s often how we manage the human element that leads to long-term success or failure.

New Book!

How You Become You

There’s no better way to share the lessons we learn than through story. As the father of two young boys and an avid writer, it is my goal to distill down the principles that have helped me succeed in a way all audiences can relate; books that are fun for young children, inspiring for young adults, and thought provoking for parents.



Let's Work Together

Companies across industries are having a harder time attracting and retaining talent. Unfortunately, it’s only going to get worse. As a Total Rewards consultant with Lockton, I love helping organizations improve the employee experience without breaking the bank. If your business is struggling, let’s find a time to connect.


I'm Ready to Talk...

What good is acquiring knowledge and perspective if you don’t share it with others? I have met with hundreds of executives, consultants, and coaches over my career talking about the human side of business and I love speaking to groups about what makes people tick, how to reward and motivate employees, and what the future of work could look like. If you are looking to gain commitment, humanize the employee experience, or just help your people be better versions of themselves, let’s talk.
