How You Become You | Written by O’Brien McMahon | Childrens Book

I look Forward to seeing the you you become!

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I look Forward to seeing the you you become!

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How You Become You

This book is a lyrical roadmap to help kids (and their parents) create a strong sense of self. It encourages readers to experience all the world has to offer and then get clear on what they love and what they believe so that they can continue on with purpose and meaning. The rhythm and illustration are great for young audiences while the message will resonate with older children and young adults trying to figure themselves out and find their way in the world.


Go beyond the book

As parents, we want to help our children find their way in the world. This book offers a place to start. Each step is an activity you can do with your kids. Combining them has the power to transform your child’s curiosity, confidence, and sense of purpose (yours too!).


Step 1

Things To Try

As a family, create a list of things you want to try. These can be small or big, one-time activities or long-term commitments, things you find locally or far off adventures, it doesn’t matter. Create the list and find ways to begin checking things off.


Step 2

I love...

Fill in the blank, I love to _______, by writing a list for each family member with as many loves as you can think of. Compare lists and get curious with each other. What about these things bring so much joy? How can you create more time doing these things together?


Step 3

I believe...

Fill in the blank, I believe _______, by writing a list for each family member. Let it flow. Discuss your beliefs, where they come from, and how they’ve changed. Reflect on what your beliefs mean for the way you want to act and behave.


Step 3

I believe...

Fill in the blank, I believe _______, by writing a list for each family member. Let it flow. Discuss your beliefs, where they come from, and how they’ve changed. Reflect on what your beliefs mean for the way you want to act and behave.


Step 4

Try Some More

There’s always more to experience and learn. There’s also more you can do to push yourself in the areas you are most passionate about. Take your love list and find ways to take them to new heights. Find ways to act on your beliefs in your day-to-day life. Encourage your kids to try things on their own and find ways to grow as a family. Most importantly, have fun!


Step 4

Try Some More

There’s always more to experience and learn. There’s also more you can do to push yourself in the areas you are most passionate about. Take your love list and find ways to take them to new heights. Find ways to act on your beliefs in your day-to-day life. Encourage your kids to try things on their own and find ways to grow as a family. Most importantly, have fun!


Step 5

Rinse & Repeat

We are always learning, growing, and evolving and what we love and believe changes over time. It will be the same for our kids. There’s no telling who they will grow up to become. The only thing we can do is help them figure out who they really are. 
